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Ecommerce Online Marketing Plan 2022.

Ecommerce Online Marketing Plan 2022.
Ecommerce Online Marketing Plan 2022.

Business Advisor in Dubai for His Highness Sheikh Ahmed Bin Faisal Al Qassimi's Royal Private Office within the G.C.C. in Dubai | AI Entrepreneur | Investor | Public Affairs Manager.
Business Advisor in Dubai for His Highness Sheikh Ahmed Bin Faisal Al Qassimi's Royal Private Office within the G.C.C. in Dubai | AI Entrepreneur | Investor | Public Affairs Manager.

This eCommerce Online Marketing Plan 2022 contains 5 steps that will change your business from its core.

1. LinkedIn.

The first and most important rule is to STOP pitching people cold on LinkedIn. You know yourself that the success rate is only slightly above zero. On LinkedIn, you find, unfortunately, hundreds of thousands of people doing the same nonsense and all together are wondering why it does not work. What amazes me every single time is how stubborn you are trying to make something work that obviously does not work. What to do instead comes you will see in a moment.

2. Online Ads.

Secondly, STOP paying expensive ads to promote your business. Ask yourself, when did you search the last time on any search engine, and then you clicked on the ad shown in the results? If it is a product to consume, maybe you will do it, but for a business? Nope, that does not work and benefits only the advertiser. What to do instead follows in a moment.

3. Email Marketing.

Don't get me wrong, Email marketing is a very effective tool. It should be part of your strategy no matter what, but you cannot shoot out cold emails to random people. Not only is that the law in every civilized country, but guess what, it is Spam. You don't want either to be pitched from companies you never heard of, isn't it? You need to build an email list yourself, and this takes time.

Here is a crucial fact regarding the Spam policy: if you contact other companies for a partnership, it is not considered Spam. It is regarded as a business collaboration offer and is not against the law. Still, you have to overcome the spam filters, and I will tell you how to do it in step five.

4. YouTube Tutorials.

YouTube Tutorials are the best way to get in touch with your future client or business partner. It eliminates the need to visit your shop or office physically, and you can answer tons of questions your customers or B2B partners have regarding your business, product, or service. In fact, YouTube is, besides Google, the second biggest search engine worldwide, and how often did you turn on this video channel just to find out why your damn keyboard does not work anymore? All of us do because it is much easier to watch someone and listen to him instead of reading. Use it and master it, your clients will thank you big time.

But what is the solution for all those steps if LinkedIn, Facebook, Google, and Co. do not work as I hope or wish? This we cover now in step number five.

5. How Artificial Intelligence will help you.

Advertising or manually pitching analog (manually) these days would be the same as shooting with a slingshot on an F-16 fighter jet. Guess how the war will end for you. Humans are incredible animals that are able to find solutions to make the next step or make their lives easier and more effective with software. AWAI is the world's first software to help you grow your business like nothing else. It is designed especially for SMEs. AWAI means Advertising With Artificial Intelligence, which will analyze and find the perfect reseller for your product or service.

The main advantage is that while you still can do what you are doing now by looking and fishing for new clients, new B2B partners will resell your service or products. You simply use their network and customer base to sell your service or product and generate the income you have always strived for. In fact, a study from 2021 shows that 86% of people are buying their products only online now as they have been used to it because of the pandemic.

Imagine having ten new business partners in 10 different countries. It means ten times more business than you have now. Watch the short video below to understand what it does and how it will change your entrepreneurial life forever.

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