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Did Internet Marketing Compare To Online Email Marketing Change in 2022?

Did Internet Marketing Compare To Online Email Marketing Change in 2022?
Did Internet Marketing Compare To Online Email Marketing Change in 2022?

Did internet marketing compare to online email marketing change in 2022?

That is a fascinating question. My name is Mario Radosavljevic and I am the founder of 22 brands and 25 companies since 2008. Everyone of us is looking for more attention and exposure, and you have a whole sack of tools to help you reach that goal. But frankly, only a view of them really works and can be measured in the number of sales. Whatever those so-called Gurus are telling us about how to make more money with the next new strategy, we can break down that 99% of it is crap.


You have only two ways of reaching customers, organically through visibility on the search engines or social media. Everything else that looks fancy and easier does not work, and you know why? Because the search engines didn't change and social media either.

Can you make it on Instagram and generate sales? Yes, of course, you can, but unless you are not jumping around in super tight fitness leggings and educating people on how to get the perfect body, you will have a hard time on Instagram.


Can you make it on Instagram and generate sales? Yes, of course, you can, but unless you are not jumping around in super tight fitness leggings and educating people on how to get the perfect body, you will have a hard time on Instagram. In fact, recent studies show that 98,4% of influencers or entrepreneurs that made it on Instagram are females. It is simply easy to consume for men as nature built them this way. Significantly few males created a similar hype around their activities unless they are some kind of TV or Hollywood star. The question you have to ask yourself now is, how big is the chance you will create the income you want on Instagram or similar platforms?


That's an easy one. Suppose you analyze your behavior on Google or any other search engine you prefer. In that case, you will recognize that most of the time, you are asking questions. A recent study from backlink professional Brian Dean shows:

1. Google searchers use one of Google’s autocomplete suggestions 23% of the time. People that search for informational and local searches tended to click on an autocomplete suggestion more often than those searching with commercial queries.

2. 50% of Google users click on their result within 9 seconds of searching. And the average amount of time it takes a Google searcher to click on something is 14.6 seconds.

3. Only 9% of Google searchers make it to the bottom of the first page of the search results.

4. 15% of users modify their initial search term. This suggests that Google tends to serve up highly-relevant results. Or that Google users are adept at choosing the right keyword on their first attempt.

5. Only 17% of users bounced back to the search results after clicking on a result. Only 5% of users bounce more than once for the same query.

6. The majority (59%) of Google users visit a single page during their search session. Only 6% need to visit four or more pages in order to get an answer to their query.

7. 65% of searchers click on a traditional “10 blue link” search result during their search session.

8. Although this varied widely depending on the query, 19% of searchers click on a Google Ad during their search.

9. For local queries, 42% of searchers click on results inside of the Google Maps Pack.

10. 19% of users searching for a product click on a Google Shopping result.

11. On average, only 3% of searchers interact with a “People Also Ask” box. Although this behavior varies widely depending on the query. For example, 13.6% of people searching for supplements clicked on a PAA box.

12. Only 44% of searchers go to the second page of Google’s search results.

13. The average search session takes 76 seconds to complete. And half of all search sessions are finished within 53 seconds.

I have highlighted 3 points that show you how easy it will be to have more leads, customers, and sales.

I have highlighted 3 points that show you how easy it will be to have more leads, customers, and sales.

To point one: 23% of people searching on Google are using auto-complete suggestions in their searches. Why is that super important for you? Because it shows that your potential customers are looking for a fast solution. They don't want to do endless research, so they check if others have the same or similar problems. This is the reason why I say it day in and day out. Answer questions people have. How to do this?

Write blogs and place them in your product page description. With enough traffic, Google will push you under the relevant results, and your business will skyrocket. Once you are organically listed for relevant questions about your industry, the best is that you stay there forever, which is a very long time. You may go up or down over time, but how many visits or clicks you get will still be relevant and determine your rankings.

Let us check out point six: 59% of Google users visit only one page, and only 6% need four or more pages. Before you get frustrated, that is excellent news, and here is why.

If we assume that you want to be ranked for, let's say, Internet Marketing. You should use the free Google Keyword Planner to identify the search volume and competition, and you will see that this term is searched in the USA, Canada, Australia, and the UK between 10,000 to 100,000 times per month!

So even if you are not that well ranked that your customers will visit you on the first shot, you still have another 6% of 600 to 6,000 customers per search term, which you can collect to your website. If you look at the graph below, you will see that the searches for it have been growing recently to over 900%, with low competition!!!

That's Amazing, isn't it?

Point number 12 that I highlighted for you is as impressive as the others and opens another door to more leads and more sales.

Only 44% of Google users go to page two to look for more results. This sounds so frustrating, isn't it? But wrap your head around this!

Suppose you have 10 keywords that should bring people to your website, and all of them have an average search volume of 10,000 per month with low competition. In that case, 44,000 possible customers will blow up your house! Now, how frustrating is that? That is Christmas and Birthday party at once, right?

All of that is incredible enough, but now we have to come to the core point, how can you possibly get listed on page one or two on Google?


Advertising is also a temporary solution because as soon as you stop paying for your ads, no leads or sales will come in.

AGAIN. I can't stress enough that you understand. People searching on the net have the INTENT of action because they are looking for a solution to their specific problem.

Coming back to how to get listed on Google on page one or two works this way. Besides the basic SEO that every website should have, you need visitors.


Here is the thing. Buying traffic is like robbing a bank and waiting for the Police to arrest you in the bank. That is stupidity by ten. You are trying to trick Google's algorithm with this type of cheap shit, and you are done. You and your next generations will be blacklisted by Google, and even Wesley Snipes will look like a snowflake beside you.


If other companies visited your website, this would be a SUPER STRONG signal to Google that your website offers something that is attracting even professionals. Then Google would push your listings much further on the search results, which will cause, that organic searching customers are also now seeing you and clicking on your website links, AND that will send AGAIN a signal to Google that you are getting freaking popular. Get the idea?


The secrete is AI Email marketing.

Our AWAI software (Advertising With Artificial Intelligence) would do this automatically for you. It will analyze your market and potential resellers and send them an email campaign in your name. They are opening a link to your website by clicking on the email. BOOM, and here are the first B2B visitors you need to spin the wheel.

The power of AWAI is to analyze why one of them did not open this email and why they did not respond and send another email in a different form. So long, until come as close as possible to a 100% response rate.

I hope you got it now. YES?

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